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"I have a pair of wings attached to my back. ... I'm a hang glider, not a hang glider pilot. ... I just fly"...


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The life and death struggle for the hang gliding world record ...

"I have a pair of wings attached to my back.

I can feel them there and if I look up I can see them.

They are my wings.

I feel the air through them and through my body.

They might as well be part of my body.

I'm a hang glider, not a hang glider pilot.

I just fly" (Davis Straub)

Davis Straub sagt:

I decided to write Cloudsuck because I felt this dramatic story would appeal to a much wider audience than just the hang gliding community. I feel a debt of gratitude to the other pilots who have struggled with me toward the goal of a world record, particularly those who have lost their lives. I want to share the story, communicate the beauty and challenge of hang gliding, and the unique qualities of those who pursue it.

Cloudsuck also appeals to members of the hang gliding community as a story of adventure and struggle in the extreme regions of cross country hang gliding.

More Information
GTIN 4250687901084
Material Papier (chlorfrei)
Autor Straub, Davis
Edition 1 st. edition
ISBN 4250687901084
Format Broschierte Ausgabe
Herausgeber Hang Ventures Publishing, Pensacola, Florida
Seitenzahl 256
Erscheinungsdatum 01.01.2003
Sprache Englisch

Kundenmeinungen 1 item(s)‎

  • just ate this book up
    I flew hang gliders for 7 years long ago and just ate this book up. I can see how a nonflyer might get confused or bored in a few places but I still think it is a cool testament to the status of long distance hang glider record attempts. It was also good to read the effects of vertigo when you fly into a cloud and know I am not the only one that did this and it scared the hell out of us both. I did approach getting out differently as a hang glider is inherently stable so I just let go of the bar and it went level (I hoped) and when I finally exited I was wings level. I could not tell you how long I was in the cloud or which way was which. Disorientation was total.
    Glider performance increase was also well highlighted and has been extreme. The accident where the guy died due to to a safety pin for the parachute not being pulled showed how it remains a very unforgiving yet spiritual endeavor. Very well written.........................
    Kundenmeinung von Gary (Veröffentlicht am 28.05.2017)

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